I Belong ~~ Don Ehli
"Hi. I'm Don Ehli. You may have met me at Dickinson Title, or seen me act in a play. I've been part of St. John's since I was five years old. I invite you to join me as we feed each other with the very life of God on Sundays at 9:30 at St. John's. We call that feeding "communion," and you are welcome to share this holy meal with us. It's not play acting....not simply an abstract of title either. God's boundaries embrace all of us. I look forward to meeting you with the rest of St. John's Episcopal Church Community."
The St. John’s Episcopal Church in Dickinson is very near and dear to Donald Ehli. Don has attended St. Johns since he was five years of age. St. Johns, he reports, is a very important and long-standing tradition in his life.
Don has been active in the church since a child. He is a lay reader, communion minister, is a former member of the vestry and serves on the worship committee.
Another love in his life is the theater and he utilizes his acting skills in Dickinson Community Theater and Dickinson State University productions.
During the summer months he "follows in footsteps". Those are the "Footsteps into Medora’s Past" in Medora. This past summer he spent six weeks guiding tourists on walking tours while portraying Felix Gollnick. Gollnick lived in Medora in 1885 and was employed by the Marquis DeMores.
Ehli is employed by the Dickinson Title Company as an abstractor and is also an adjunct communications instructor at Dickinson State University.