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The Vestry


The Vestry
  • In England, the annual election of churchwardens took place in Easter week. The parishioners gathered at the church to hear the outgoing wardens deliver their reports and to elect new wardens. The parishioners assembled in the vestry, the room off the chancel where the clergy vested. The assembled parishioners came to be known as “the vestry.”

  • In the Episcopal Church and according to the canons of the Diocese of North Dakota, Vestries are elected at the annual meeting, and consist of two wardens and between three and fifteen persons.  The “clergy-in-charge” chairs the Vestry, or a vestry member designated by the clergy-in-charge presides at or chair the Vestry meetings.  Vestry members serve a three-year term and wardens serve for one year. 

  • The Vestry conducts and approves all the business of the parish, including the budget.  At St. John’s, the Vestry limits itself to conducting the business affairs of the Parish.








St. John's Episcopal Church ~~ 822 Fifth Avenue West ~~ Dickinson, ND  58601 

PO Box 48, Dickinson, ND  58602-0048 ~~~ 701.225.5026

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